POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Candle Flame (3kbu) : Re: Candle Flame (3kbu) Server Time
3 Nov 2024 07:28:06 EST (-0500)
  Re: Candle Flame (3kbu)  
From: Gail Shaw
Date: 12 Jul 2000 08:10:13
Message: <396c6025@news.povray.org>
Bob Hughes wrote in message <396c532b@news.povray.org>...
>How about showing this on a white background?  Sorry, I don't really mean

It disappears completely on a white background :-<

>Candle flames are always much more of a yellow-white than just yellow, I
>everyone seems to not believe that though.  Also varies a lot depending on
>surrounding light and background, but I still always try for a near white
>yellow which goes to yellow-orange at the edges and top.

I had a candle burning on my bookshelf while modelling this. I'll agree that
the tip
was more white (tried but couln't get that effect) but most of the candle
was yellow/orange

>Turbulence is another thing, sometimes there's none sometimes a lot.  As
>as the general shape goes I think you've come close enough but I'd say
>not enough blue (or rather invisible) part going up inside the yellow part.
>The amount of the merging parts I'm talking about, maybe more diffused
>line there would be better?

Between yellow and blue? I agree, at the moment they're different objects.

* gsh### [at] monotixcoza              * Reality.dat not found         *
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