"Denis Corbin" <cor### [at] wanadoofr> wrote in message
| Hi Greg,
| nice animation, but a lot of questions arise !
| spheres rolling and not flying over the surface ? In fact I'm looking
| for a way, given a height_field object, to know what will be the height
| (z axis) of a point given its coordinates (x,y). I suppose it would be
| not so much simple to read the source picture used to make the
| height_field (considereing the different format possible in use). I
| haven't been able to find anything embeded in POV-Ray that let the user
| access this value from a povray source file (within a macro in
| particular), maybe I have missed it ?
I'll let Greg answer too :-) but you obviously haven't heard about MegaPov,
or it's 'hf_height_at' keyword which allows you to find any points y
coordinate on the surface of a height field. HF is along x and z, not x and y
as you had said and the y value is it's height. Check at:
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