POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Stargate Opening Anim (118KBU) : Re: Stargate Opening Anim (118KBU) Server Time
5 Nov 2024 03:18:28 EST (-0500)
  Re: Stargate Opening Anim (118KBU)  
From: Tony[B]
Date: 26 Jun 2000 23:24:49
Message: <39581e81@news.povray.org>
Why do some people get all the neurons? ;-)  BTW, have I mentioned that my
friends call people like you "bestias"?

PS: "Bestias" in this case will be a slang expression used in Panama for
people with exceptional abilities, in any field, in the case of my friends
and I, we use it to describe unusually talented 3D artists such as yourself.

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