Peter Popov <pet### [at] usa net> wrote...
> I wouldn't question your physics books because mine read the same
> <grin>. It escaped me that realistic attenuation is only suppoted for
> object interior. But then, isn't light fading unrealistic in this
> case? Can you try placing the whole scene in a transparent object and
> using realistic attenuation?
Actually, the equation that POV uses for light attenuation is a good
approximation. Interior attenuation, however, is simulating a totally
different phenomenon, and therefore _should_ be using a totally different
equation. However, in the official POV-Ray, it uses the same equation. The
fade_power 1000 "hack" just tells POV to use a different equation to produce
more realistic results. That equation, though, would not work for simulating
light attenuation caused by the energy spreading out over a larger area as
distance increases.
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