Okay, here's 450 cubes packed into a cubical area. Each time a cube is
generated it is checked for intersection with other cubes. Every
consecutive time a cube is found to intersect the failure rate is
incremented, if it reaches a threshold the algorithm assumes the space
is full (in this case 30).
Each cube has a random:
size (0.2-1, evenly distributed),
rotation (evenly distributed),
HLS color (hue 120-270, evenly distributed,
lightness .25-.75, sinusoidal distribution favoring middle values,
saturation .5-1, quadratic distribution favoring higher values),
surface normal (part crackle, bumps, wrinkles, even distribution)
parse 6m34s render 1m12s total 7m46s
total mem 3,307,666 bytes
David Fontaine <dav### [at] faricynet> ICQ 55354965
Please visit my website: http://www.faricy.net/~davidf/
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