About eliminating images...
The problem is to distinguish between people that didn't
understand the rules (or only part of them) but who however
did a real work "in the spirit of competition" (even if not
*this particular* competition), and people who knowingly
try to cheat, by posting preexisting images, for example.
It is very hard, if not impossible.
I suggest not to be too strict. Reasons are :
1. Good cheaters are likely to do good images. Except in the
case where an image was found already existing on the web,
eliminating it will lead to great controversies. Do we need
a Pixel Justice System?
Similarly, bad cheaters do bad images. They're probably new
to the whole thing, and I do not want to disgust them from
entering the competition.
2. I would not be too comfortable to say to someone, "Sorry,
you didn't respect rule #37185, you get 0 0 0, goodbye, see
you next round !" (or whatever more subtile). He might have
lots of reasons to break the rule, mostly not knowing it.
So, I suggest
* making as much (good) translations as possible
* having a way to warn the judges, after debate, through
a mailing list for example, that there's an entry that
is... well, let's say problematic, and let the judges
do what they want.
After all, they are the judges. We only have to help point out
adr### [at] freefr Adrien Beau
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