> It needs more randomness methinks. Right now it's way too organised.
> It also doesn't seem to take gravity into account but I might be
> misinterpreting what I see on this low res image. So far, so good.
> Am I correct in guessing it's for your IRTC entry? :)
Yes I agree, there is still alot to do - At first I just wanted to see if I
could do it, now I'll take the time to organize and develop it properly.
There's a fair chance I won't get as far as an entry this time - I'm over
burdened at work and I'm going to be away on a course with the kids from
school for a couple of weeks .. and more importantly I've reached a point
where I have no ideas for a picture whatsoever!!! In theory this theme
should suit me but having seen Gilles most recent work I need to up my own
standards so I want to do a lot of code hacking, e.g.tree macro, and
experimenting e.g media clouds. I won't publish anything now until I'm 100%
happy with it.
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