POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : 3archi.jpg and the rules... : Re: 3archi.jpg and the rules... Server Time
9 Jan 2025 18:57:40 EST (-0500)
  Re: 3archi.jpg and the rules...  
From: Ken
Date: 4 May 2000 04:58:46
Message: <39113B37.5F48511C@pacbell.net>
Johannes Hubert wrote:
> I am wondering...
> ...in my eyes, the recent IRTC entry 3archi.jpg from crush74design
> violates the rules in two ways:
> First, the image seems not to be made for the IRTC, but, as the
> 3archi.txt says: "just another work for school".
> Second, the images looks very much like a post-processed photoshop
> collage of several views of two buildings.

I'm reasonably sure that the individual objects were indeed rendered
in truespace as the description says but I must agree that it was
heavily post-processed to create a collage as you suggest. A rather
obvious rules violation if you were to ask my opinion. I'm not even
going to comment on the school part.
> What's happening? Doesn't anyone check the entries at least for a
> general compliance to the rules before they are posted?

I don't know but recently it seems as if at least on per round is
sneaking in somehow. It does make one wonder if because many of
the participants don't understand English as a first language (if
at all) that they may be misinterpreting the rules or getting a
bad translation for it. There are quit a few rules to read through
for the competition and it would be understandable is some people
just don't read English well enough to understand them all. In this
particular situation the person who submitted that image was using
English poorly in his description which might explain it.

Ken Tyler - 1400+ POV-Ray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/

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