POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Radiating love... : Radiating love... Server Time
4 Nov 2024 16:51:31 EST (-0500)
  Radiating love...  
From: Simen Kvaal
Date: 23 Mar 2000 11:36:45
Message: <38da481d@news.povray.org>
This is my first real attempt at radiosity. It is an isosurface with photons
thrown at and quite good
radiosity settings (according to the tutorial...). I am quite pleased with
the results, however there are some things that maybe you folks can help me

I see some strange artifacts at the wall right behind the heart and to the
far right, where the wall meets the floor. Is this maybe a result of the
photons? Or is it the radiosity-settings that produce such things? Or is it
something completely different? Is it 'natural?'

The scenes consists only of a box with the object, the camera and a
point-light-source inside. There are no
procedural textures; only pigments and finishes. And the refraction, of

I tried with an 8x8 area-light (in fact the code is just commented out; it's
all ready to run), but it takes forever to
render. Are there any way to speed up without getting the dreaded banding in
the shadow of the heart? Perhaps lesser radiosity quality?


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