POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : orbiting thing (that's a technical term) (384 KB) : Re: orbiting thing (20 of 'em to be specific) (532 KB) Server Time
5 Nov 2024 05:24:10 EST (-0500)
  Re: orbiting thing (20 of 'em to be specific) (532 KB)  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 17 Feb 2000 00:09:07
Message: <38ab8273@news.povray.org>
I like the way the mpeg compression artifacts are distorting the surface of the
large gray ball when the small ones bounce across it.  Looks like they drag
across as though going into a gelatin.


"Jetlag" <bga### [at] microsoftcom> wrote in message
| this is actually a LONG stride from the previous animation... the center
| ball actually belongs in the same array as the rest, treated exactly the
| same.  I was going to get rid of it but the other balls kept floating off
| collectively and I couldn't keep the camera on 'em.  So I just added one
| with a big radius at the origin, viola: gravity anchor.  There seems to be
| some realistic bouncing and collisions, I think I'm getting closer...
| "Rick [Kitty5]" <pov### [at] dialpipexcom> wrote in message
| news:38aaa094$1@news.povray.org...
| > nice, forget the motion blur, make it slower, and throw a extra 20
| orbiters
| > at it - that would look captivating - especially if you can get the
| > collision detection and have them bouncing off each other
| >
| > Rick

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