All I know is that pigments can be made into new patterns but I don't see how
you got a seemingly infinitely changing maze out of it. It's great, never seen
one before.
"SamuelT." <STB### [at] aolcom> wrote in message
| Hello everybody. Attached is an image showing off a new pigment I found
| today. I've been wanting to create a maze-like pigment for some time
| now. Can you guess how it was done?
| Here are some hints:
| It was made totally in PovRay; no paint programs were used.
| It was made with MegaPov (Superpatch works too).
| It's not a huge, complex iso function, although it uses small
| functions for simple tasks you could already do in pov (so the functions
| really don't matter).
| Good evening~
| --
| Samuel Benge
| E-Mail: STB### [at] aolcom
| Visit the still unfinished isosurface tutorial:
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