Drat I had intended this to go into Paul Vanukoff's thread of the same flame
animation. Please excuse me, it is NOT my own work.
"Bob Hughes" <omn### [at] hotmailcom?subject=PoV-News:> wrote in message
| Thought I'd give it a go with a change to mpeg for Paul's flames Agif. Don't
| think you want to know what I had to do to get it from there to here. In fact
| couldn't say, I haven't been able to figure out how I extracted the individual
| frames in the first place. Thought it was Animation Shop (comes with PSP) but
| there isn't any way to do it that I can find again. I'm really confused how
| did it. Well the rest of the way was just batch conversion to Targa from Bmp
| files and then I used Cmpeg to encode finally.
| Hope you don't mind the conversion here Paul.
| Bob
| --
| omniVerse http://users.aol.com/persistenceofv/all.htm
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