POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu) : Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu) Server Time
5 Nov 2024 10:20:33 EST (-0500)
  Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu)  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 31 Jan 2000 15:34:03
Message: <3895f1bb@news.povray.org>
"Ken" <tyl### [at] pacbellnet> wrote in message
news:389### [at] pacbellnet...
| > Silly question: if I were to move to Alaska tomorrow, my web "presence"
| > change, and I'd be able to connect in a heartbeat because AOL and
FreeAltavista are
| > nationwide.  What gives?
| Only that Nathan is driving a car/truck right now and once in Florida
| needs to move in, get settled, and take care of getting his computer
| set up.
| Is it possible to connect from a car with a laptop and a cell phone ?

It is, but I'd never want to do so when on the road.  Well, maybe if stopped
over someplace a couple days.  I treat any travel like a vacation, including
vacation from internet connecting.
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