POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu) : Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu) Server Time
5 Nov 2024 08:27:52 EST (-0500)
  Re: My first MegaPOV0.4 image(26k bu)  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 31 Jan 2000 05:18:02
Message: <3895615a@news.povray.org>
// Um, yeah... the pov script now:

#version unofficial MegaPov 0.4;

camera {location <3,3,-3> look_at 0}
light_source {<15,15,-15>,1}

{0,1 hollow
    gradient y
    color_map { [0.0 color rgb <.3,.65,.75>*.75] [1.0 color rgb
<.125,.35,.8>*.5] }
  finish {ambient 1}
  scale 50

  y, -1.5 hollow
  material {
  texture {
    pigment {checker color rgb 1 color rgb 0 scale 1.25}
    finish {ambient .25 diffuse 1}
    interior {fade_distance 3 fade_power 2}
  texture {
    pigment {gradient z color_map {
     [0,.125 color rgbt 1 color rgbt 1]
     [.125,.25 color rgbt <0,0,0,1> color rgbt <0,0,0,.5>]
     [.25,.75 color rgbt <0,0,0,.5> color rgbt 0]
    } sine_wave scale <1,1,27>*2.5 translate 60*z}
     rotate -2.5*x
     clipped_by {box {-50,50}}

#declare IPa=
    image_pattern { tga "belinda.tga" use_alpha}
      [0 pigment {rgb <1,0,0>} ]
      [.5 pigment {rgb <0,1,0>} ]
      [1 pigment {rgb <0,0,1>} ]
    } translate -.5 scale 1.5
  }                            // pigment {rgb 1}
#declare IPb=
    image_pattern { tga "belinda.tga" use_alpha}
      [0 pigment {rgb <1,0,0>} ]
      [.5 pigment {rgb <0,1,0>} ]
      [1 pigment {rgb <0,0,1>} ]
    } translate -.5 scale 1.5
  }                            // pigment {rgb 1}

cone {-.75*y,1.5,.75*y,0
texture {
    image_pattern { tga "belinda.tga" use_alpha}
      texture_map {
    [0 IPa]
    [1 IPb]
 translate <1,0,1>

object {
sphere { <-.5,0,0>, 1 texture {pigment {rgb .15}
 finish {ambient .15 diffuse .7 phong .4 phong_size 234 specular .6 roughness
.025 reflection .8 reflection_exponent .8
metallic .7 brilliance 3 }} }

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