Bob Hughes wrote in message <388c9a26@news.povray.org>...
:Pretty neat. What I thought about was if the camera were traveling along
:a semi-transparent tube itself, maybe rings making up the structure of a
:it might be more a part of this.
That gives me some ideas, thanks.
:I wanted to say it's a bad thing to not
:be able to use real large files
Yea, I think I'm coming around to your view. I wrote that
after having d/l'ed some ani's from IRTC and being frustrated.
Part of the probem is that I think I am in the minority in
that I am interested in ideas and not finished products..
:They tend to get made and put on
:ones own computer then never get seen.
Yea, your definately right about this. It's too bad.
:I'm not likely to upload a 5 megabyte file, and almost as unlikely to D/L
I think 2 megs is about my max.
:It would be a different story if I had a speedy connection
Most definately. My brother has a T1 line at his work. I have
see the future and I'm not sure what it is (cable, DSL...)
but it is not a 56k modem.
BTW, as a resident of Seattle I have always been a big fan
of your Space Needles. Whenever there is some big
event (4th of July, Seahawks making the playoffs) they
put something appropriate on the top. I think it would
be neat to do this with a raytraced version.
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