> Well there's always the inverse square with distance law (?) about light, which
> should apply to any and all light despite it's origination, be it emitted
> reflected or refracted light, it will diminish. Am I right?
You are exactly 100% correct! The thing is that an object twice as far away will
illuminate 1/4 the area on your retina at 1/4 the intensity and therefore appear the
exact same brightness. That is why distance shading is physically inaccurate.
This does bring up a good point though. If the fade_power used is 3 like it is here
than it would be 1/9 the brightness for 1/4 the area and be approx. 1/2 as bright.
And normal non-fading lights should illimunate much brighter farther away. <g>
I remember my brother asking me why planes got darker in the distance if light
didn't fade and I had to explain to him that the angle is increasing.
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