POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : January 20-21 Eclipse (393KB before attach) : Re: January 20-21 Eclipse (393KB before attach) Server Time
5 Nov 2024 05:24:16 EST (-0500)
  Re: January 20-21 Eclipse (393KB before attach)  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 22 Jan 2000 13:00:58
Message: <3889f05a@news.povray.org>
This was real neat to see, both in animation and real life.  It was a good lunar
eclipse.  Saw a total eclipse once that got very dark gray-blue then a deep rust
red as it emerged, another was very red all over and could have passed for being
Mars.  This one was probably number three in rank of the ones I've seen, too bad
I haven't seen any more than those 3 total ones.  A few other partial ones too,
just not as colorful.
The representation you have done here is nice and I'm wondering how you went
about it.  I had thought of doing one too but to try and mimic the others I've
seen also.


"Chris Jeppesen" <chr### [at] digiquillcom> wrote in message
| A view of the lunar eclipse happening as I type (darn clouds!) from an
| unusual prespective... close to the sun, through a telephoto lens. Remember
| when you look at it that the moon is much farther away than the earth, about
| 60 earth radii.
| A small demonstration of my work in progress, the PovSolarSystem. This will
| be a working model of the whole solar system, It will have the ability to
| add arbitrary bodies like spacecraft.
| Most astronomy programs have a hard time with eclipses. I get them for free,
| by virtue of using a raytracer. Long live POV!

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