POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations :  : Server Time
5 Nov 2024 07:15:16 EST (-0500)
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 20 Jan 2000 09:40:39
Message: <38871e67@news.povray.org>
This freaks me out.  Maybe it's the floating in mid air sense to it  :-}
Although it's difficult to see the tentacles in this animated version of the
previous still images I've seen I can tell it works great.
I know what's strange now, it's because of those big baby blue eyes!


"Remco de Korte" <rem### [at] xs4allnl> wrote in message
| Another variation on the tentacle thing.
| If you think the quality of this AVI is poor you should've seen the MPG.
| (I also made an animated GIF which looks much better but is harder to
| view for most people here - perhaps I'll put it on some webpage).
| This is just a character animation, so there's no background or setting.
| To think that this just grew from an experiment to wrap a heightfield
| around an arbitrary mesh-form...
| Remco

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