POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Martian Dust Storm, URL to the Mpeg : Martian Dust Storm, URL to the Mpeg Server Time
5 Nov 2024 07:17:55 EST (-0500)
  Martian Dust Storm, URL to the Mpeg  
From: omniVERSE
Date: 15 Jan 2000 04:58:29
Message: <388044c5@news.povray.org>
I've started in on a try at making a dust storm on Mars:
and it's 849KB, a 300 frame 320X240 res. @ 24 fps Mpeg.
The turbulent "dust" is media using method 2 in MegaPOV patch.  There is ground
fog used for the thickened haze nearer ground level which also grows thicker and
closer as the storm front approaches.
It's in dire need of better timing (the dust is very fast for it's size) and I
believe it only looks good right now if not scrutinized much.  The escaping
hovercraft has a dust trail which uses a clear container object of course for
it's media and the usual trouble with fog occurs, that being it no longer
remains transparent. So that's a problem to deal with.  To have it moving along
in the wind direction the cone container is just rotated some over the course of
I'll be adding a height field or isosurface (more likely) so the ground isn't a
flat plane anymore too.  And with that comes possible use of trace() to keep the
hover craft from hitting the ground, I hope.
Please use your imagination, you'll need it.

// omniVERSE
// http://users.aol.com/inversez/

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