POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : Voting thoughts : Re: Voting thoughts Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:30:57 EST (-0500)
  Re: Voting thoughts  
From: Mark Wagner
Date: 6 Jan 2000 00:31:02
Message: <38742896@news.povray.org>
Robert J Becraft wrote in message <3873ace1@news.povray.org>...
>If you don't feel qualified to vote on a particular venue, giving a picture
>a 10 doesn't aid in separating the good ones from the bad ones.  You
>contribute to making the entire group more average.  For example, giving
>everyone a 10, if there were 3 votes, 20,10,20, the picture ends up with an
>average of 16.67, you've effectively dropped that picture by almost 4
>points.  On the other hand, on a particularly bad picture, 10,1,1, you move
>it from a 1 up to a 4.   Where both pictures are already getting average
>scores, you will move the score less, but both will tend to be more

However, giving everyone a 10 will not change the *relative* standings for a
category.  Additionally, most pictures already score around a 10 in each
catagory, and with an estimated 40 voters for this round, giving each image
a 10 will change the final score by no more than 0.25 points.


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