Playing around with Warps recently posted function. It immediately reminded
me of either a seed PoD or a microscopic image of a pollen spore.
Question for the Guru's - Why is it that when bounding is removed this
object is a unit sized box object but when bounding is enabled the object
fills the bounding volume ?
Function for those interested in such things -
camera { location <5,10,-20>*4 look_at 0 angle 39 }
light_source { <100,200,-150> 1 }
{ function
{ (sin(sqrt(-x*x+y*y)-pi/2)-z)^2+
accuracy .01
max_trace 1
threshold 0
bounded_by { box { -30,30 } }
pigment { rgb y } finish { phong -.5 specular .5 }
Ken Tyler - 1300+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
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