POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : Question: IRTC Prizes : Re: Question: IRTC Prizes Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:19:48 EST (-0500)
  Re: Question: IRTC Prizes  
From: Fabien Mosen
Date: 5 Dec 1999 04:32:05
Message: <384A317C.9C04C9AE@skynet.be>
"H.E. Day" wrote:
> I've got a question - has anyone ever gotten any prizes from the IRTC?
> I've yet to be contacted about prizes from a year ago. Just wondering if
> I'm the only one.
> H.E. Day

EFI (providing posters and T-Shirts) is very lazy about prizes, it
I "virtually" won 3 A0 posters and 3 A4 posters (and the 6 T-shirts that 
comes along), and, to date, I only got the latest one (1 A4 and 1 TS);

Aside, don't be too enthusiast about the posters, the print quality
is very average, any recent color printer can produce much better
there are terrible color shifts, too.


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