David Wilkinson wrote:
> I suspect that many people, like me, find it difficult to judge technical merit
> 1) the entrants don't give enough technical detail (fair enough if you first
> isn't English)
> 2) my experience is limited to ray tracing with POV and I don't know how easy, or
hard it
> is to generate scenes using other methods such as line scan rendering.
The following took about 10 minutes (start to finish) with
This one about an hour total including modifying the psi
It takes some hours in hell with PS and the plug-ins to learn it
and I have some thousands of those hours. But I get feedback on
my attempt in a couple seconds not hours regardless of
complexity. I can gat a new trial and error faster than I can
change the code in POV.
And anyone try this in POV
and that was just noodling around with one of the plugins. I
don't remember how long it took.
So that is the difference to me.
Now look at this one.
The pyramid and the flyers are POV. The rest is PS and plugins.
The benefit I first expected from POV is that I can get different
perspectives and viewpoints on the POV parts trivially. But in PS
I cannot move the ground plane without planning way ahead to want
to move it and duplicating it without planning to do so is
essentially impossible. But this was also just playing around one
night, maybe a couple hours with a dozen variances and no
planning at all.
OK, I have bored you and bragged but those are examples of the
differences between POV and raster rendering.
So yes, once raster rendering is considered the same as
raytracing we might as well shitcan POV usage in the IRTC. And PS
5.x has added animation features such that if characters don't
turn or the camera does not change distance POV is out for that
> One positive suggestion I make is that entrants should have to provide two images of
> same scene from different viewpoints.
An outstanding suggestion! It would wipe out the raster
renderers completely.
Oh my God! They've rendered Kenny!
How to profit from the end of civilization as know it available
here soon.
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