POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.win : Plugin linking problem : Re: Plugin linking problem Server Time
29 Jul 2024 00:33:02 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Plugin linking problem  
From: axiom
Date: 10 Oct 1999 08:57:25
Message: <38008D63.2233B19E@mninter.net>
I can't help with your problem, but personally, I wouldn't send anything
this specific to comp.programming.c++....you'll get flamed from here to
sunday and back. But heck, you'll have figured that out by now<G>.

Marcin Tustin wrote:

> The text that follows was sent to comp.programming.C++
>         Hello all! I'm new to C++, and I'm writing a dll
> plugin for Moray. I have two translation units, and I need
> to communicate between them. Here are the headers.
> Once they compile, I get errors like "GetDLLInfo already
> defined in Blob.obj" when linking Blobinterface.obj.
> Incidentally, I'm using VC++ 6.
> // Blob.h : main header file for the BLOB DLL
> //
> #if
> !defined(AFX_BLOB_H__908F9E32_5567_11D3_BD31_AFFA61F8C72B__I
> #define
> AFX_BLOB_H__908F9E32_5567_11D3_BD31_AFFA61F8C72B__INCLUDED_
> #if _MSC_VER > 1000
> #pragma once
> #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
> #ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
>         #error include 'stdafx.h' before including this file
> for PCH
> #endif
> #ifndef _MFCPA_H_
> #include "..\MFCPluginApp.h"
> #define _MFCPA_H_
> #endif
> #ifndef _MFCPACPP_
> #include "..\MFCPluginApp.cpp"
> #define _MFCIHPP_
> #define _MFCPACPP_
> #endif
> #include "..\plugin.h"
> #include "resource.h"           // main symbols
> #include <afxcoll.h>
> #include <afxtempl.h>
> //#include "map.h"
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> /////////////////
> // CBlobApp
> // See Blob.cpp for the implementation of this class
> //
> //typedef CMap<DWORD,DWORD,CMyStruct*,CMyStruct*&> BLOBMAP;
> class CBlobApp : public CMFCPluginApp
> {
> public:
>         void RegisterBlob(long hHandle, MRY_OBJ_ATTRIBUTES
> BlobStruct);
>         CBlobApp();
>         virtual LRESULT GetDLLInfo(LPMRY_DLLINFO pDataBlock);
>         virtual BOOL InitInstance();
> // Overrides
>         // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
>         //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CBlobApp)
>         //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
>         //{{AFX_MSG(CBlobApp)
>                 // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove
> member functions here.
>                 //    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks
> of generated code !
>         //}}AFX_MSG
> private:
> gBlobMap;
> }
> //Blob.cpp declares CBlobApp theApp, but does not initialize
> it.
> //////////
> //Blobinterface.h
> #pragma once
> #ifndef _MFCIHPP_
> #define _MFCIHPP_
> #include "..\MFCInterface.hpp"
> #endif
> #ifndef _MFCICPP_
> #define _MFCICPP_
> //#include "..\MFCInterface.cpp"
> #endif
> //#include "..\MFCPluginApp.h"
> #include "blob.cpp"
> //#include "map.h"
> // Forward-declare the Scene Interface class
> class CScene;
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> /////
> // CScene Scene Interface
> // This interface is used to communicate with Moray and to
> receive
> // event messages from Moray.
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> /////
> class CScene : public CSceneInterface {
>         // NO objects defined by
> blobCLensFlareInterface*        m_pLensInterface;
> public:
> //      void AddApp(CBlobApp* panApp);
>         virtual void Init();
>         virtual long OnEvent(long hObjID,int nFlags);
> //      CBlobApp *ptheApp;
>         //No new objects void
> SetLensFlareInterface(CLensFlareInterface*      pLensInterfa
> ce) {   m_pLensInterface=pLensInterface; };
> }
> extern CBlobApp theApp;
> #endif
> --
> Humanity will not be happy until the day when the
> last bureaucrat has been hanged with the guts of
> the last capitalist.
> Marcin Tustin
> Mar### [at] mindlessREMOVEGOATS&OATS.com
> Marcint@^^refreshmagazine.com.nomail

Semper ubi sub ubi
- Teresa Roguski

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