Matt Giwer wrote:
> The second thing (and call it sour grapes if you will) is that
> there is a decided prejudice against POV-Ray.
I didn't felt that, could you be more specific ? (Usually, there are
rather accusations of pro-Pov attitudes).
> I am not saying I should have won the "incredible" contest. I am
> not saying I should have been a tenth runner up.
That's because your moon was too spherical ;-)))
> I am saying that there were only about ten folks on topic and I
> had at least one if not two of them. Not a complaint but an
> issue. Everyone has to lose but winners clearly off topic? Wrong.
> But clearly and without question the idea of a topic being of
> concern is meaninless. Forget the topic, it has no bearing upon
> the competition. I am used to being damned so don't bother.
I agree with you. That round has very few really on-topic images.
I think that the topic itself was responsible of that, being much
too wide. That's why I didn't participate that round, while I
the 10 previous ones.
The purpose of a topic is to stimulate the entrants' imagination,
but it seems that many people ask themselves "how will I put my
sci-fi/pyramid/fantasy/... stuff with that topic ?". Of course, it
results in uninteresting, seen-thousand-times images.
I fear (!) that "horror" will bring the same problems, especially since
it's an "asked" topic, and many people will just give their little
halloween/freddy/... uninspired images.
All we can do is continuing to give interesting images to the
competition, on-topic ones, while asking us "how am I gonna surprise
them, this time ?"
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