POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Pointy Bicubic_Patches : Pointy Bicubic_Patches Server Time
5 Nov 2024 07:16:59 EST (-0500)
  Pointy Bicubic_Patches  
From: Jean Montambeault
Date: 5 May 1999 20:14:53
Message: <3730d0ed.0@news.povray.org>
Hello all,

            as a newbie I'm very proud of this but that's probably nothing
new for most of you. I animated a set of besier patches so it'd look like
it's breathing. I did it all in the editor in an effort to understand the
maths in it. There's nine patches because I wanted to program something :
first time ever, besides the VCR. Now I like the rhythm and the amplitude,
the shadows and all and I'm ready to pass to other things.
            I would like to learn how to avoid to have the corners of the
individual patches so pointy.
            I do not have any in depth knowledge of the maths of Bezier
curves except for what's a point where the curve actually passes and what's
just a control point. All I know is intuitive, learned by playing with the
code. So I really need your help to go any further.

            The file, even zipped is quite big (1.7 Mb) so I didn't post it
but uploaded it to a site, this one:
  http://pages.infinit.net/copeau/mer001.AVI . The .pov is at



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