POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Metal HedgeHog final image : Re: Metal HedgeHog final image Server Time
4 Oct 2024 05:20:13 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Metal HedgeHog final image  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 15 Apr 1999 00:23:07
Message: <37155B69.C1FBF356@aol.com>
This makes for a good picture. I gave it a bit of thought about the blue
handle appearing to be reflection blurring but decided it must be the
area light instead. Trying to figure the texture on that metallic
beastie isn't easy, looks to be tempered steel-like but judging by the
reflection in the lamp base and it's blue shade and that monitor I'm
guessing it is solely due to reflection alone giving it the rainbow of
The mug (cup) appears to be lacking a base of thick glass. And (not thru
critiquing yet :) that darned top sheet of paper at the near edge is
goofing with the nice group of papers look as well.
I wouldn't have noticed the pen nib being same object as those others if
it weren't mentioned.
Question. Was 'jitter' used in the photon map of the cup? Oh, wait, I
forgot that the photon mapping wasn't made to work right with area
lights either so this is actually a point source caustic we see I guess.
Good going Steven. But if I see those little beady red eyes and dixie
cup of a snout on the beast again I may have to import it into a image
processing program then select and cut. Sorry, just my personal tastes
showing, please excuse me ;)

Steven Pigeon wrote:
> took 1d19h33m12s to render on a p2 233mhz.
> A couple of new objects, including a bodum(tm?)
> coffee cup and a quill pen.
> Source included!
> Best,
>     S.
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Steven Pigeon                     Ph. D. Student.
> University of Montreal.
> pig### [at] iroumontrealca           Topics: data compression,
> pig### [at] jspumontrealca          signal processing,
> ste### [at] researchattcom           non stationnary signals
>                                   and wavelets.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
>          http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~pigeon
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  [Image]
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include "colors.inc"
> #include "metals.inc"
> #include "stones.inc"
> #include "glass.inc"
> #include "woods.inc"
> #declare K = 7;
> // no default radiosity
> //global_settings { ambient_light  Black  }
> //background { Blue }
> plane { y,0 texture { T_Wood1 } scale 4}
> plane { x, -30
>         texture
>          {
>           brick texture { pigment { Black } }  ,
>                 texture { T_Stone8 }
>           mortar 0.5
>           brick_size <1,1,2>*5
>          }
>       }
> plane { z, 30
>         texture
>          {
>           brick texture { pigment { Black } }  ,
>                 texture { T_Stone8 }
>           mortar 0.5
>           brick_size <2,1,1>*5
>          }
>       }
> //light_source { <20,10,-5> color White }
> //light_source { <-20,20,-5> color White }
> camera { location <20,10,-25> look_at <0,0,0> }
> //camera { location <20,10,-25>*0.4 look_at <0,2.5,0> }
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////
> #declare QuillPoint=
> difference
>  {
>   prism
>    {
>     linear_sweep
>     linear_spline
>     0,0.5
>     7,
>     <0,0>,<1,1>,<1,4>,<0,5>,<-1,4>,<-1,1>,<0,0>
>     rotate <-90,0,0>
>    }
>   union
>    {
>     sphere { 0 1  scale <1.25, 5, 0.95> translate <-1,5,-1> }
>     sphere { 0 1  scale <1.25, 5, 0.95> translate <+1,5,-1> }
>    }
>   box { <-1,0,0> <+1,4,-1> rotate <12.5,0,0> translate <0,3,-0.5> }
>   sphere{ 0 0.2 translate <0,3,-0.5> }
>   box{ <-0.01,3,-1> <+0.01,6,+1> pigment { Black } }
>   scale <1,1.5,1>
>  }
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////
> #declare QuillTexture = texture { T_Silver_5A  finish { irid { 0.35 thickness .5
turbulence .5}} }
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////
> #declare Quill =
> union
>  {
>   // pointe
>   object
>   {
>    QuillPoint
>    texture { QuillTexture }
>   }
>   // Gugusse
>   cylinder { <0,-2,0> <0,2,0> 1.2 pigment { Black } finish { F_MetalA } }
>   #declare px = 1.6;
>   #declare c  = 0;
>   #while (c<9)
>    cylinder { <0,px-0.2,0> <0,px+0.02,0> 1.3 texture { T_Silver_5A } }
>    #declare px = px -0.4;
>    #declare c = c+1;
>   #end // while
>  cylinder { <0,-2,0> < 0,-20,0> 1.4 pigment { Black } finish { F_MetalA } }
> }
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////
> #declare Scale=
> difference
>  {
>   prism
>    {
>     linear_sweep
>     linear_spline
>     0,0.5
>     7,
>     <0,0>,<1,1>,<1,4>,<0,5>,<-1,4>,<-1,1>,<0,0>
>     rotate <-90,0,0>
>    }
>   union
>    {
>     sphere { 0 1  scale <1.25, 5, 0.95> translate <-1,5,-1> }
>     sphere { 0 1  scale <1.25, 5, 0.95> translate <+1,5,-1> }
>    }
>   box { <-1,0,0> <+1,4,-1> rotate <12.5,0,0> translate <0,3,-0.5> }
>  }
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////
> #declare Paw=
>  difference
>   {
>    union
>     {
>      sphere { 0, 1 }
>      sphere { 0 0.3 translate < sqrt(2),0, sqrt(2)>/2}
>      sphere { 0 0.3 translate <-sqrt(2),0, sqrt(2)>/2}
>      sphere { 0 0.3 translate < sqrt(2),0,-sqrt(2)>/2}
>      sphere { 0 0.3 translate <-sqrt(2),0,-sqrt(2)>/2}
>      sphere { 0 0.3 translate <0,0,-1> }
>     }
>    box{ <-2,-1,-2>, <2,0,2> }
>   }
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> // body
> //#declare HogTexture = texture { pigment { Green } }
> #declare HogTexture = texture { T_Silver_5E  finish { irid { 0.35 thickness .5
turbulence .5}} }
> #declare EyesTexture = texture { pigment { Red } }
> #declare rayon = 5;
> // pattes
> object { Paw translate <  sqrt(2),0, sqrt(2)>*(rayon/2) texture { HogTexture }}
> object { Paw translate < -sqrt(2),0, sqrt(2)>*(rayon/2) texture { HogTexture }}
> object { Paw translate <  sqrt(2),0,-sqrt(2)>*(rayon/2) texture { HogTexture }}
> object { Paw translate < -sqrt(2),0,-sqrt(2)>*(rayon/2) texture { HogTexture }}
> // body
> difference
>  {
>   sphere {0,rayon}
>   box { <-rayon-0.1,-rayon-0.1,-rayon-0.1> <rayon+0.1, 0.5,rayon+0.1> }
>   texture { HogTexture }
>  }
> // Face
> difference
>  {
>   cone { <0,2,-rayon+2> 2.9 <0,1,-rayon-3> 0 scale <1,0.75,1> }
>   box { <-1,0,-rayon-3> <1,3,-rayon-2+0.5> }
>   texture { HogTexture }
>  }
> // eyes
> sphere { 0, 0.3 texture { EyesTexture } translate <-0.75,2.25,-rayon-0.5> }
> sphere { 0, 0.3 texture { EyesTexture } translate <+0.75,2.25,-rayon-0.5> }
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> // scales
> #declare dapos = 15;
> #declare dzpos = 0.5;
> #declare c = 1;
> #declare zpos = -rayon +0.5;
> #while (zpos < rayon)
>  #if (c=1)
>   #declare apos = -90+7.5;
>   #declare lpos = +90-7.5;
>   #declare c=0;
>  #else
>   #declare apos = -75;
>   #declare lpos =  75;
>   #declare c=1;
>  #end
>  #while (apos<90)
>   object
>    {
>     Scale
>     scale 0.5
>     rotate <15,0,0> // tilt
>     translate <0, sqrt(pow(rayon,2)-pow(zpos,2)), zpos> // translate
>     rotate <0,0,apos> // rotate around main axis
>     translate <0,0.5,0>
>     texture { HogTexture }
>    }
>   #declare apos = apos+dapos;
>  #end // apos
>  #declare zpos = zpos + dzpos;
> #end // zpos
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> // autre cochonneries dans le decor
> object
>  {
>   #declare LampColor= White;
>   #declare LampGranularity=K;
>   #include "..\OtherIncludes\Table_lamp.inc"
>   scale 7
>   translate <-10,0,-12>
>  }
> object
>  {
>   Quill
>   scale 0.25
>   rotate <90,0,0>
>   rotate <0,0,34>
>   rotate <0,180+31,0>
>   translate <+5,0.25+0.1,-10> // +0.1= epaisseur de la stack de papier
>  }
> cylinder { <3.5,0,-12> <3.5,3,-12> 0.25*1.4  pigment { Black } finish { F_MetalA } }
> object
>  {
>   #declare ComputerScreenDisplay =
>   #declare ComputerScreenRadiance = K;
>   #declare ComputerScreenAngle = 10;
>   #include "..\otherIncludes\ComputerScreen.inc"
>   scale 16
>   rotate <0,11,0>
>   //translate <1.5,0,-1>
>   translate <15,0,15>
>  }
> #include "..\otherIncludes\keyboard.inc"
> object
>  {
>   Keyboard
>   scale 12
>   scale <1,0.5,1>
>   rotate <0,-12,0>
>   translate <20,0,-15>
>  }
> // stack of paper
> // top of stack
> #declare c = 1;
> #declare r = seed(0);
> #while (c<10)
> polygon
>  {
>   4, <0,0>, <0,1>,<1,1>,<1,0>
>   scale <.483,.722,1>
>   scale 20
>   rotate <90,0,0>
>   rotate <0,(rand(r)-rand(r))*10,0>
>   translate <2+rand(r)-rand(r),0.01*c,-15-(rand(r)+rand(r))>
>   pigment { White }
>  }
>  #declare c=c+1;
> #end
> polygon
>  {
>   4, <0,0>, <0,1>,<1,1>,<1,0>
>   pigment
>    {
>     image_map { gif "c:\user\testdata\images\bilevel\hiero\am24.gif" interpolate 4}
>    }
>   scale <.483,.722,1>
>   scale 20
>   rotate <90,0,0>
>   rotate <0,-15,0>
>   translate <2,0.1,-15>
>  }
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> // bodum cup of coffee... kind of
> //#declare TextureAnse = pigment { Blue }
> #declare TextureAnse = texture {
>           pigment { color rgbft < 0,0,0.9, 0.99, 0.3 > }
>           finish
>             {
>              //roughness 0.05
>              specular 1
>              ambient 0
>              diffuse 0
>              refraction on // helps a lot!
>              ior 1.5
>              refraction 0.9
>              reflection 0.15
>              caustics 0.7
>             }
>          }
> #declare CoffeeTexture = texture {
>           pigment { color rgbft < 0.3,0.16,0.10, 1, 0.3 > } // reddish-brown
>           finish
>             {
>              //roughness 0.05
>              specular 0.1
>              ambient 0
>              diffuse 0
>              refraction on // helps a lot!
>              ior 1.5
>              refraction 0.9
>              reflection 0.15
>              caustics 0.5
>             }
>          }
> // cup
> union
>  {
>   merge // cup
>    {
>     lathe
>      {
>       linear_spline
>       //cubic_spline
>       8,
>       <0,0>,<4,0>,<4,5>,<4.2,5.9>,<4,6>,<3.9,5>,<3.9,0.1>,<0,0.1>
>      }
>     torus { 4.1 0.075 translate <0,5.95> }
>     texture { T_Glass3 } interior { I_Glass } finish { caustics 1.5 }
>    }
>  cylinder { <0,0.01,0> <0,3.2,0> 3.89 texture { CoffeeTexture}  } // coffee
>  cylinder { <0,4.5,0> <0,5,0> 4.01 open texture { T_Silver_5E } } // ring
>  box { <-0.5,4.5,-5> <+0.5,5,-4>  texture {T_Silver_5E} } // joint (?)
>  difference // poignee
>   {
>    superellipsoid { <0.25, 0.25> scale <0.2,1,1.5> texture { TextureAnse } } //
frosted blue
>    superellipsoid { <0.25, 0.25> scale <1,0.7,1.5*0.65> }
>    box { <-1,-1,-0.01> <+1,+1,+2> }
>    scale 2
>    translate <0,3,-4>
>   }
>  scale <0.5,1,0.5>
>  translate <2,0,-15>
> }

 omniVERSE: beyond the universe
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