POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Some inspirational material for water, fur, spike etc. makers : Some inspirational material for water, fur, spike etc. makers Server Time
6 Nov 2024 21:26:00 EST (-0500)
  Some inspirational material for water, fur, spike etc. makers  
From: Jerry Anning
Date: 7 Mar 1999 00:21:09
Message: <36e20ba2.51079204@news.povray.org>
Following links, I recently came across the following slide
presentation.  It is a little short on detail, but the referenced
papers are in SigGraph 95 if you have access to that.  What is there
are some very inspirational images and just enough info to serve as
"words to the wise".  The Hanrahan material (painting on 3d objects)
is interesting, but the most useful stuff is the cellular textures
info (from different approaches) in the Worley and Fleischer sections.
The Worley material is related to the crackle extensions in the

Jerry Anning
clem "at" dhol "dot" com

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