Don't forget, hey, this texture is cool, lets use it everywhere.
or, turbulence in a texture?? Ohh, what is that? (I'ven ot seen the lack of this
in IRTC yet, but in well so many other places)
Matt Giuer wrote:
> This was my first opportunity to view a competition before
> winners were selected. Therefore my first time to view a large
> number of non-winners. 143 - 6 non-winners if I count right. 137
> of us.
> A few thoughts come to mind. Your Mileage Will Vary.
> One thing obviously not to do is render smaller than 800x600 and
> enlarge it to that size. The pixelate badly, even distractingly.
> Which brings up the question, is enlargement with resampling
> permitted?
> If thie is any sample of the previous, SciFi themes should be
> avoided like a Denebian Slimedevil. Not bad when they are known
> SF themes but when it has to be first explained the image doesn't
> hitch on the great ideas already established in the SF
> literature. Please write the novel first.
> Well known objects should be used creatively. (One more sphere
> and I'll ...) PS, planets count as spheres.
> Wouldn't it be nice to see the subtle use of a height map?
> I memorized the shape of the basic fractal 12 years ago.
> Here is an amusing shape, lets stick it some place and pretend
> it is something. This particularly applies to anything with an
> SciFi theme.
> --
> http://members.aol.com/jull43
( spi### [at] bahnhofse ) [ http://www.bahnhof.se/~spider/ ]
#declare life = rand(seed(42))*sqrt(-1);
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