Ken wrote:
> I think the laws of protection are for cicumstances where
> profitability are concerned. In the case of the i.r.t.c
> where the entrant has the oppertunity to win a prize
> with real world value by using trademarked material is
> in fact in violation of the intent of the law. To use such
> material for ones own use is probably permissable.
> I mentioned the case of Disney and the day care center but
> there is another even more valid example of using such materials
> without permission. That would be the movie industry. In every
> scene of a movie where tradmarked goods are shown on screen
> there is an extremely large staff of people envolved with
> making sure permission is granted by the owner of the materials
> in question.
Yes, and to go in hand with that, often the various trademark owners want to get
their products placed, and may have people hired to assist in that (Hey!
Superman really needs to be eating Cherios, let's give you some and you can put
them in your movie...). I'd assume that besides other issues, they would take
care of any legal clearances.
Unfortunately, I don't think we in the ray tracing community have people like
that courting us. Oh well.
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