POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : My voting philosophy : Re: My voting philosophy Server Time
10 Jan 2025 10:45:34 EST (-0500)
  Re: My voting philosophy  
From: Pedro Graterol
Date: 12 Jan 1999 15:06:08
Message: <369bab30.0@news.povray.org>
I respect your opinion, as I stated earlier. I just wanted to say, that
everyone thinks different, or
more exactly and honestly, I think in a different way.  Or better said, I
have another approach, equally valid.
The way we evaluate depends on each one of us, because that's the way it is,
and that's
the way that, fortunately, will be. There is enough art for everybody,
each one puts different grades  of emotion, memory, feelings whether doing
appreciating it.
Let's say that the same approach you have when starting an image, thinking
about that, and what,
and how -sometimes how in this world..like I do.- ; is the same approach you
experience before
a blank canvas. with the same questions.  And after the moment of creation,
the image -the artwork-
acquires life in itself.  From now on, two individuals will never have the
same point of view about it.
It is up to everyone how to "see" it, and interpret it. It is a complete
subjective matter, and
beyond the scoop of the artist. Just like Frankenstein!
The worst thing an artist can experience is indifference. So regarding this,
we are all OK.
The Judging process is as complex as the images running. That's great.

Marjorie Graterol

PS. I sincerely ask you to excuse my English, I am kind of "joking impaired"
in this
language, just the opposite in Spanish.,...and my husband's signature.  I
cannot make this
&&&**&* thing to work with mine.

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