POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : My voting philosophy : Re: My voting philosophy Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:47:46 EST (-0500)
  Re: My voting philosophy  
From: Guillermo Espitia Rojas
Date: 7 Jan 1999 15:28:56
Message: <36951908.0@news.povray.org>
>With all due respect, GE_FIRST falls into this category.  I usually give
>these 7-13 in the artistic & technical categories. These entries don't
>look like a photograph, but look like unsuccessful attempts at making
>one. The artist attempts something unnecessarily ambitious and fails at
>it.    Common ways in which my eye is offended include:
>A. Human figures which are ugly, not by artistic intent, but out of less
>than careful modelling or texturing. A humorous dwarf or Ernest Bergnine
>character can be quite appealing; ugly babies are not.
>B. Superbly photorealistic scenes with a few glaringly unrealistic
>components not related to artistic intent or theme.  One such example
>was the bald, paleskinned, cloned cavemen.
>C. Superbly photorealistic landscapes next to sloppily constructed CSG
>D. (For 1998) Most uses of Poser 2 faces, especially when bald.
>E. (For 2000) Most uses of Poser 3 faces.
>F. Lighting and contrast problems, such as:
> 1. Use of too much ambient light.
> 2. My inability to tell what entry is about from the thumbnail.  I
>expect to be able to detect the content from the thumbnail and be
>surprised by a second meaning or added details when I go to the 800 x
>600!  If  I paid the artists to wear these entries on a T-shirt, my
>friends would have to squint and to touch my chest to see what they were

Hi Greg:

I am the author of ge_first. I believe that the commentaries of the judges
would have to be ample and deep, like his; although in this case I am the
victim.    :-(

Consider the following thing. The human figures are very difficult to model
with Pov-Ray. With Spatch something can be done better, but it continues
being difficult; the work is very long and tedious. I do not believe that I
repeat the experience. You consider that the modeled one of human figures is
not common in the IRTC (exception Lorenzo Quintana, Anto Matkovic, and Gena
Obukhov). I hope that it is evident that my " baby " is not Poser.

Excuses by my English and thanks for its attention.

Guillermo Espitia

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