Margus Ramst wrote:
> When the topic is too bizarre, many people (including myself) are
> probably gonna have problems both adhering to the topic and producing
> something interesting. Sorry, but I would really hate the topic "J. F.
> Kennedy"
Why? You don't want to see 6 different mpeg animations from the point of
view of a bullet racing through the air to a motorcade? With focal blur
of course. :)
Lewis A. Sellers: writer and contract Multimedia Website Developer
mailto:lse### [at] usitnet (The Fourth Millennium Foundation) &
You can bug the living bejesus out of me live on ICQ @ 491461
(If I don't get back to you within a month, I'm out of prozac in some
dark corner somewhere screaming things quite unintelligable but -- most
curiously -- thick with a sumerian accent.)
"The comedy is over" -i pagliacci
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