POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : Does this thing work? : ) : Re: Does this thing work? : ) Server Time
9 Jan 2025 20:06:47 EST (-0500)
  Re: Does this thing work? : )  
From: Bill Marrs
Date: 28 Oct 1998 19:11:06
Message: <3637B304.7BAD0481@apocalypse.org>
Bob Said:
>> Well, actually it's because I don't know if I ever can do something 
>> based upon a topic or get the submitaal process done right.

If you need help figuring out how to submit, or if you have trouble
submitting feel free to contact the IRTC admins, or just me.  We really
just want to get as many submissions in as possible.  I'm willing to
help out to make sure the image makes it.  If you spent hours creating
it, why wouldn't I spend a few minutes helping you get it in?  

Marc Said:
> If you familiar with the ftp procedure I would suggest this kind of
> submisson to you. I think it is more reliable and you can see at once if
> your files have arrived and if they have the right size.

I agree with Marc in general.  ftp is probably the best method.  But the
other methods have their charms as well.   Here's a pros and cons list:

Method       Pros                       Cons

ftp          reliable direct xfer       ascii-mode transfer breaks
             lots of ftp tools          up to a 2 hour delay in feedback
             drag & drop uploads

web          immediate feedback         many browsers can't do it

email        easy                       mail can get lost/bounce (3
                                        potentially longest delay in
                                        text file must be an attachment

Keep in mind that you should get an email reply back telling you that
your submission was accepted.  If you do not, something went wrong. 
Contact us!

The hardest thing I face is when I get an image and no email address -
if there's a problem, I can't contact the author to fix it.  

Bill Marrs
IRTC Submission Admin

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