POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.animations : signature in animations : Re: signature in animations Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:47:33 EST (-0500)
  Re: signature in animations  
From: Lewis Sellers
Date: 28 Oct 1998 13:06:54
Message: <36375b6e.2519072@news.povray.org>
On Wed, 28 Oct 1998 07:13:58 -0800, "Mike Weber"
<mwe### [at] racal-pelagoscom> wrote:

>I plan on entering the current round for the competition.  When I'm done
>with my work, I plan to put it on my web-page.  But I don't want someone
>taking it and using it without some recognition.  This has happened to me
>before - someone put a link from their site to mine and used two of my GIF
>animations.  So, I'd like to put my signature or name into each from of my
>animation.  Does anyone know of a DOS or Windows tool that will allow me to
>easily place text or superimpose an image into the corner of all my images
>for an animation?  Currently my animation is at 360 frames, and I certainly
>don't want to do it by hand!!

You're sort of in luck. With the help of some of the kind folks in
another povray newsgroup (actually, a LOT of mathemetics help) I have
some povray 3.1 code to place a line of copyright text on the bottom
right of your animation frame no matter where the camera is looking.

Simply put, you put your camera location in the vector cam_l and
look_at in cam_lat. The following will set your camera using those
variable AND, most importantly, compute the translate and rotate for a
text object that it will place just a widget in front of the camera

#declare cam_l = <.6,5.4,16>;     
#declare cam_lat =  <15,1,24>;
#local CamZ = 2; //the amount of camera zoom you want

#local CamD = vnormalize(cam_lat,cam_l);
#local CamR = vnormalize(vcross(y,CamD));
#local CamU = vnormalize(vcross(CamD,CamR));

text { ttf "timrom.ttf","(c) 1998 by Lewis Sellers
    pigment { rgbt<1,.8,.8,.75> }
    finish { ambient .75 diffuse 1}
  scale .05
  translate <-.65,-.48,CamZ>
  matrix < CamR.x,CamR.y,CamR.z,
           cam_l.x,cam_l.y,cam_l.z >

camera {
  location cam_l
  up CamU
  right CamR*4/3
  direction CamD*CamZ

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