POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : This Scrip is not working on POV 3.1 ... BUG ? : Re: This Scrip is not working on POV 3.1 ... BUG ? Server Time
28 Jul 2024 16:26:43 EDT (-0400)
  Re: This Scrip is not working on POV 3.1 ... BUG ?  
From: LE COAT Francois
Date: 13 Jul 1998 06:44:24
Message: <35A9D942.D8414F58@ief.u-psud.fr>
Hello Frans,

F.VERBAAS wrote:
> Could it be that it does not like the lines arrowed below? You are fiddling
> with variables used to call your macro, declared outside the macro's scope.
> Better try giving XX and YY a different name within the macro. They are
> local variables, and you avoid a lot of confusion by naming them
> differently.
> I am not certain whether a macro is called by value or by reference. Calling
> by value would mean that any changes to the value of the local variables
> will not be found in the calling body.

Right, but if you tranform the scrip with different variables name,
it does the same thing. And be carefull (interesting experience) if
you miss to put the     #declare vv=vv-deltay;    (line 33) in the
macro, it
is wrong ! It means that variables are passed with address and that
yy (in the body) <=> vv (in the macro). So there absolutely no
ambiguity on the names. Also, #declare variables in the body must be
in arguments to the macro, else they are undefined. #declare in the
body are undefined in the macro. But #declare in the macro define
variable in the body. That's why there is a #local directive.
It seems that argument must be modified using #declare rather
then #local. So, the following scrip is as correct as the
previous one. But I think that POV 3.1 is rendering wrong
in that case ... It produces the same image as :
with #version 3.0; directive ...

Thanks for replying ...
Bye for now,

-- Francois LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer 3D Modeller)
WEB : http://www.ief.u-psud.fr/~lecoat
E-mail : mailto:lec### [at] iefu-psudfr
#declare Green_Phong = texture {
	pigment { color rgb <0.0,0.5,0.5> }
	normal { ripples 0.5 scale 0.1 }
	finish { phong 1.0 phong_size 5.0 }

#declare xmin  = 0;
#declare xmax  = 2*pi;
#declare ymin  = 0;
#declare ymax  = pi;
#declare xiter = 11;
#declare yiter = 5;
#declare ix    = (xmax-xmin)/(xiter-1.0);
#declare iy    = (ymax-ymin)/(yiter-1.0);
#declare deltax = (xmax-xmin)/((xiter-1.0)*4.0);
#declare deltay = (ymax-ymin)/((yiter-1.0)*4.0);
#macro point(uu,vv)
    #local ro=max((1-3*sin(2*vv)*sin(5*uu+pi/2)),0);
    #declare zn=-ro*sin(vv)*cos(uu);
    #declare xn=ro*sin(vv)*sin(uu);
    #declare yn=ro*cos(vv);
    #declare uu=uu+deltax;
    #local ro=max((1-3*sin(2*vv)*sin(5*uu+pi/2)),0);
    #local zp=-ro*sin(vv)*cos(uu);
    #local xp=ro*sin(vv)*sin(uu);
    #local yp=ro*cos(vv);
    #declare uu=uu-deltax;
    #declare vv=vv+deltay;
    #local ro=max((1-3*sin(2*vv)*sin(5*uu+pi/2)),0);
    #local zq=-ro*sin(vv)*cos(uu);
    #local xq=ro*sin(vv)*sin(uu);
    #local yq=ro*cos(vv);
    #declare vv=vv-deltay;
    #declare vn=vcross(<xp-xn,yp-yn,zp-zn>,<xq-xn,yq-yn,zq-zn>);
#declare etoile = mesh {
  #declare xx = xmin;
  #while (xx<xmax)                        //outer loop
    #declare yy = ymin;
    #while (yy<ymax)                      //inner loop
    #declare n1=vnormalize(vn);
    #declare p1=<xn,yn,zn>;

    #declare yy=yy+iy;
    #declare n2=vnormalize(vn);
    #declare p2=<xn,yn,zn>;

    #declare xx=xx+ix;
    #declare n3=vnormalize(vn);
    #declare p3=<xn,yn,zn>;

    #declare yy=yy-iy;
    #declare n4=vnormalize(vn);
    #declare p4=<xn,yn,zn>;

    #declare xx=xx-ix;
        smooth_triangle {


      #declare yy = yy+iy;
   #end                 //inner loop
   #declare xx = xx+ix;
 #end                   //outer loop
 scale 1/5

object {
 texture { Green_Phong }

//Lights, camera, action
{ location  < 1, 1.25, -1>
  direction  1*z
  look_at   < 0, 0, 0>

light_source { < 0, 1.25, -1> color rgb 1 }
light_source { < 1, 1.25, -1> color rgb 1 }

object { box{-2,2 inverse} pigment{color rgb 0.8} }

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