POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : Simple Animation Scene : Simple Animation Scene Server Time
20 Feb 2025 14:24:18 EST (-0500)
  Simple Animation Scene  
From: Dylan Beattie
Date: 5 Nov 1997 12:02:09
Message: <3460A691.E2709CDD@ecs.soton.ac.uk-NOSPAM>
Hi there

OK, this is basically how to use the clock variable - how it works is,
if you tell POV-Ray to render multiple frames, it renders the first
frame with the variable 'clock' set to 0, the last one with clock=1, and
automatically works out the clock values in-between.

This piece of code creates a box rotating around the y-axis:

object {
  box {<-1,-1,-1>, <1,1,1>}
  texture {
  pigment {colour Blue}
  rotate <0, clock*360, 0>

- to render it across twenty animation frames, use the command line

POVRAY <other switches> +KFI1 +KFF20

(KFIn = initial frame number n, KFFn = final frame number n)

A useful tip for animation loops is to render one more frame than
needed, ie. render 21 frames rather than 20, and then delete the last
frame file before you 'compile' the animation, since if you just compile
a normal frame sequence the first and last frames are identical and
there's a noticeable stutter in the animation loop.

Hope this is some help to you.


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