POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unix : Darwin 3.5? : Re: Darwin 3.5? Server Time
25 Dec 2024 20:21:29 EST (-0500)
  Re: Darwin 3.5?  
From: Elijah Sarver
Date: 27 Jul 2002 04:22:11
Message: <270720020422101517%spam-lowmagnet@is-speakeasy.bad-net>
In article <3d4137c4@news.povray.org>, Thorsten Froehlich
<tho### [at] trfde> wrote:

> > It doesn't lock up whilst saving files (happened to me yesterday, had
> > to force quit.. glad it wasn't important stuff)
> Don't expect anything you find to be fixed if you don't report it. So far
> nobody has reported one when saving files throught the whole alpha, beta or
> final version releases. Or do you really think I would leave a crashing bug
> in the program just to annoy users?

> ??? You do realize that the help files are identical (except for the
> platform specific section 1) in all distributions of POV-Ray 3.5 ???
> Are you sure you are using POV-Ray 3.5 from www.povray.org or
> mac.povray.org?

In order to report a bug, I would have to be able to reproduce it. I
believe I can, but I'll need to find the code I pasted last time which
locked up the application during a save.

The file named "POV-Ray Documentation in HTML.html" tries to load
classic Netscape.

The copy in POV-Ray help is indeed the same version as the Windows
version. If there is a problem with the documentation on the Mac then
it must be with the documentation in general, and I'll check it against
my windows copy. I will pass problems on to documentation.

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