On Wed, 19 Jun 2002 09:59:42 -0400, "Scott Wasson" <swa### [at] townispcom>
> Thanks, but SDL ignores whitespace.
> Has anyone tried my example and reproduced the problem?
Yes, I tried it but I still think it could be feature.
Consider such example
#macro fooTexture()
texture { pigment { rgb y } }
#if (Condition)
#declare TMP=texture{ pigment{ rgb x } }
texture{ pigment { rgb z } }
#declare foo_texture = fooTexture()
Tell me (without parsing) what should be last line of the macro - second leyer
of the first texture or second leyer of texture TMP ? Perhaps to avoid such
cases parser forbids any # which can leads to such situation. As Warp said You
in beta-test group SDL could be changed in this part and it is one of our
wishes for 4. Similiar limitation appear in case of such simple script:
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