POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Blender objects : Blender objects Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:16:01 EDT (-0400)
  Blender objects  
From: Daniel Hulme
Date: 10 Oct 2004 05:51:09
Message: <20041010105109.712a7e21@dh286.pem.cam.ac.uk>
Not sure whether this should really go here or in p.tools.general, but
I'll try it here. Given the large number of 'export to x' abilities in
Blender, and the large number of 'x to povmesh' scripts out there,
what's the best route to take to import a Blender object into a POV-Ray
scene, in terms of having a convertor that works well, preserving
attributes like normals and UV co-ords, and ease-of-use?
I'm interested to hear what people are using.


A most peculiar man    With the windows closed      And Mrs Reardon says
He died last Saturday  So he'd never wake up  He has a brother somewhere
He turned on the gas   To his silent world   Who should be notified soon
And he went to sleep   And his tiny room    .oO( http://sad.istic.org/ )

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