POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : meniscus : meniscus Server Time
2 Nov 2024 11:23:07 EDT (-0400)
From: Daniel Hulme
Date: 11 May 2004 09:01:17
Message: <20040511140116.12eed2ef@dh286.pem.cam.ac.uk>
I have a glass with some liquid in it. The glass is a Bezier spline
lathe, and the liquid is a slightly smaller lathe intersected with a
horizontal plane. Now I know I could put a meniscus on the surface with
a torus and some more CSG, but since the liquid is a lathe and I don't
know its diameter at the height I want the surface, I don't know where
to put the torus. So, is there some way to get PoV to evaluate the
Bezier cubic at the desired height and use this to place the torus; even
better, is there an easier way to do the meniscus?

Thanks in advance,

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language will not succeed without a name. I have recently invented a
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