POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : High School openMOSIX Cluster - skyvase.pov : Re: High School openMOSIX Cluster - skyvase.pov Server Time
28 Dec 2024 12:11:44 EST (-0500)
  Re: High School openMOSIX Cluster - skyvase.pov  
From: Nigel Weeks
Date: 28 Aug 2002 20:28:30
Message: <20020829102632.4295ed8d.nigel@twister.aims.private>
If you're still having trouble, it's because you're not giving povray the right

povray +V +Iskyvase.pov ...

you need the +I for .pov files. .ini files don't need the +I (Input File)

On Sat, 24 Aug 2002 11:13:40 +0200
Jaime Vives Piqueres <jai### [at] ignoranciaorg> wrote:

> Miguel A. Mota wrote:
> >     Thank you all very much for all your answers to my questions.  I will
> > download the suggest editors, and give them a spin.  I been trying to
> > render the infamous skyvase.pov with the following command line:
> > 
> > povray +V skyvase.pov +W1024 +H768 +P
> > 
> >   But I get that error that I constantly get with some pov files I try to
> > render ( missing .ini ...blah blah blah... check if +L switch used).
> > Anyway, can someone direct me to where I can download it?  I waiting for
> > the pdf version of the documentation to read further on povray and resolve
> > that constant error.
>   First, please don't post repeated messages to several groups, specially 
> if they are not the apropiate (p.text.scene-files).
>   Second, I suggest you to not wait more to read the manual: the html 
> version is not that bad, and you can read it with a text-only browser. At 
> least read about the basics on the comand line and how to call the program.
> -- 
> Jaime Vives Piqueres
> La Persistencia de la Ignorancia
> http://www.ignorancia.org

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