POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : HELP! My gradients aren't "fluent" : HELP! My gradients aren't "fluent" Server Time
25 Feb 2025 08:06:46 EST (-0500)
  HELP! My gradients aren't "fluent"  
From: Bas Leerintveld
Date: 12 Feb 1999 11:12:25
Message: <1103_918836093@leerintveld>

Can somebody please help me with my non-fluent-gradients? I'm using Pov-ray v3.1 and
when I try to make a gradient-background like a dawn or something, I keep 
getting this really annoying "lines". I mean, you can see very clearly where one color
starts and the other ends, you know what I mean? 

I hope somebody can help me with this!


Bas Leerintveld

bas### [at] ddsnl

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