POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.programming : new pattern simulating a wall of interlocking rectangular stones of unequal size : Re: new pattern simulating a wall of interlocking rectangular stones of unequal size Server Time
14 Mar 2025 02:08:13 EDT (-0400)
  Re: new pattern simulating a wall of interlocking rectangular stones of unequal size  
From: Jim Snow
Date: 13 Jul 2001 04:20:36
Message: <01c10b10$0b7fed40$93811c26@jmsWin95>
Bob H. <omn### [at] msncom> wrote in article <3b4e5daa@news.povray.org>...
> Isn't the cells pattern much like this?  I'm not exactly sure myself.
> Bob H.

No, the cells pattern picks a random value between 0 and 1 for each unit
cube, such that every point in each cube has the same value.  My pattern
creates blocks of random dimensions that interlock.


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