Jerry Anning <cle### [at] dholcom> wrote in article
> Spider wrote:
> >
> > A question here.
> > Cincerning a song-lyric, where to go to get contact concearning the use
of the text ??
> >
> > I had the whole theme built around this, including the text exisitng in
plain view, all
> > this for an IRTC entry(imaginary worlds).
> > Now, my problem is, I can't get a contact with the people owning the
> >
> > Since the text is not included with the record(Mine is a bootleg.) and
there is no contact
> > information for either band or producer. Anyone has an idea of how to
act ??
> If you want to play it safe, drop this idea entirely. The author Spider
> Robinson once wanted to quote a few lines from a song in one of his
novels and
> the relevant legal types wanted reimbursement measured in *thousands* of
> dollars! Fortunately for Robinson, the musician himself was angry with
> agent/publishers/whatever (I forget the details) and granted Robinson
> essentially to spite them. I wouldn't count on that kind of luck.
'specially if the copyright is owned by the record company and not the
artist - I seem to recall, a case of an artist (Bjork, IIRC) using a sample
on track, that track was released on an album then the record company that
owned the copyright on the sampled material had a fit and got the album
withdrawn, the original artist (Scanner in this case, I think) that created
the piece that was sampled said it was OK, but the record company said "no,
we own the copyright", I think there was probably a little more to it than
this - there may have been some doubt over who owned the copyright or
something, but in the end the offending track was remixed sans sample and
the original artist (of the sampled material) had a big falling out with
their record company.
Scott Hill : Sco### [at] DDLinkscouk
Software Engineer (and all round nice guy)
Author of Pandora's Box : Watch this space.
Work homepage : http://www.ddlinks.demon.co.uk
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