POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : Suggestions for new POV-Ray Win Features : Re: Suggestions for new POV-Ray Win Features Server Time
24 Feb 2025 04:26:43 EST (-0500)
  Re: Suggestions for new POV-Ray Win Features  
From: Scott Hill
Date: 3 Nov 1998 12:02:00
Message: <01be0728$06e352c0$8c00a8c0@shindo>
Alan Kong <alk### [at] compuserveNO-SPAMcom> wrote in article
> Hi, Markus,
> > The reason for this is: Any user who has a Unix system running,
> > is able to install and run POV. For a Windows user this is not
> > necessarily true! ;-)
>   Why not? POV-Ray v3.1 for Windows installs and runs on Windows 95/NT
and I
> believe on Windows 98, also. Of course, there is always the MS-DOS
> of POV-Ray v3.1 for those running Windows v3.1 or Windows for Workgroups.

	I think it was meant to be an anti-windows, all windows users are as thick
as shit type comment, not one on the availability of POV for the windows

	Just ignore him, he may grow up one day.

Scott Hill
Sco### [at] DDLinkscouk
Software Engineer (and all round nice guy)
Author of Pandora's Box
Company homepage : http://www.ddlinks.demon.co.uk

"The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people he didn't
								- Verbal Kint.

"the Internet is here so we can waste time talking about nothing in 
 particular when we should be working" - Marcus Hill.

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