POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : Animation Tool : Re: Animation Tool Server Time
25 Feb 2025 02:16:04 EST (-0500)
  Re: Animation Tool  
From: Bruce MacKay
Date: 7 May 1998 22:59:18
Message: <01bd7a2d$636ac2e0$95fe05c6@bmackay>
I sounds like you are about as frustrated with manually doing camera
coordinates as I am.  I posted the note originally on povray.windows a few
days ago, and I would like to share any of my ideas with you if you want. 
My program will be an MSDOS graphics utility, probably with some similar
features to yours.  and just like you, I have been so pressed for time that
it's taken from last August to now to finally get to it.  Well, maybe we'll
end up with 2 good utilities with slightly different features for slightly
different needs.  Please feel free to contact me.

Bruce MacKay

Mike Weber <mic### [at] lasernetxcomx> wrote in article

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