I'm new to POV and this simple problem has been driving me nuts for days.
I created a height field bitmap for a lunar crater, and no matter where I
put the camera I can only see an edge-on view of the crater. I can't seem
to get above it and look down into it.
I've moved the camera to every concievable location in the known universe,
and all I ever see it side views (bigger or smaller depending on distance),
but NEVER a top down view.
camera{ location <0, 30, -30> look_at < 0, 0 , 0 > }
//( or camera location < 0, 30, 0 > or < 0, 300, -5 > or , <-200, 3000, -10
> it seem to matter doesn't matter )
light_source{ <1000,5000,-1000> White }
height_field {
gif "crater.gif"
pigment { White }
translate < -0.5, -0.5, -0.5 >
scale < 10, 10, 0.2 > //(If I make the z-scale value bigger it gets WAY
too tall and the walls are too steep.)
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