POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : Newcomer to POV with questions : Newcomer to POV with questions Server Time
25 Feb 2025 02:46:00 EST (-0500)
  Newcomer to POV with questions  
From: Wykan
Date: 9 Feb 1970 17:24:45
Message: <01bd35a1$c21e14c0$29fbca98@default>
Greetings, all.

I am relatively new to ray tracing and to POV, and I am trying to sort out
the complex flood of information. Perhaps someone can answer a few
questions for me:

# 1 - Do I need anything besides POV to do ray tracings? It seems that I do
not, but I have heard much talk of the various utilities available, such as
Moray, Texture Magic, and others. Are these utilities necessary, or merely

# 2 - Which among the various utilities available are Shareware? Or better
yet, Freeware?

# 3 - Which ones are compatible with Windows95? DOS is evil, and I want
nothing to do with it.

# 4 - I am particularly interested in creating animation; what utilities
(if any) will I need?

Any assistance, advice, or information will be greatly appreciated. Please
feel free to send E-mail to me at Wyk### [at] usanet.


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