On Wed, 7 Jan 2004 16:22:45 EST incognito wrote:
>Some of you may have read my earlier post from before the holidays about
>looking for work related to ray tracing (i.e. rendering scenes) and related
>I was wondering what is the single most marketable skill/tool in this field
>you would recommend seeking training in?
Take art classes. Technical skills can be always be learned but
companies like Pixar want artists. They hired my co-worker's son mainly
on the basis of his short film (clay-mation!) on video, though he taught
himself how to use modern rendering tools. I had the opportunity to
view this video after he got hired. The video was *really* short,
probably less than two minutes long, but demonstrated his talent at
writing, lighting, editing, and the ability to tell a story. An artist
must first be able to 'see' the image in the mind before translating it
to monitor (or clay).
The same basics of art applies to non-animated work.
ako### [at] povrayorg
a k o n g <at> p o v r a y <dot> o r g
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